The vision of i-like is: "Help people to help themselves"

i-like would like to encourage you to lead a vital lifestyle and help you to stay healthy. By definition, health means "feeling good". This is exactly what i-like wants for you!








For over 30 years, i-like Metaphysik has been researching, developing and working in a wide variety of areas with a focus on quality of life. Through links and integration with various H+ universities in Europe and overseas, networks have been established with many scientists and experts from different disciplines.





Amongst others, certified by:

European Vegetarian Union
(vegan, 100% natural)

Hado Life Labor Dr. Emoto

(Award bioresonance research)



The development of the i-like technologies as well as the measurements and quality assurance of various institutions give the i-like philosophy of "Help people to help themselves" a great deal of potential. With the expert committees, the scientific advisory board in the company and the many thousands of users, research, development and optimisation continue on a daily basis!

"Science is the current state of error" - this is the realisation after more than two decades of working in science. This means that the work continues. New challenges are constantly emerging. The tasks are varied and i-like is attending to them!





i-help foundation

The i-help foundation is an aid organisation created by i-like, which aims to offer financial help to people and especially children who are in need (due to illness, accident, war or other adverse circumstances).

About the Foundation